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Boston Organics

This week we sat down with Caroline Angele, Marketing & Sales Associate for Boston Organics to discuss user generated photos, using analytics to guide content, and using social channels to highlight the positive work they do as a B Corporation.   Stats Boston Organics Charlestown, MA Instagram @bostonorganics 3,419 Followers Facebook @bostonorganics 9,774 Likes 9,831 Followers Twitter @BostonOrganics 5,875 Tweets 4,301 Followers Pinterest Boston Organics 6.8K monthly views YouTube Boston Organics 32 Subscribers Boston Organics mission is to provide access to fresh, organic produce to promote and support healthy living in a mindful and sustainable way that respects the environment, supports local farms, local businesses, and fair-trade practices. In other words, they are way more than just a grocery delivery service. They support local organic farmers, they provide Bostonians with amazing, fresh,
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Action Emergency Services

We sat down with Brian from Action Emergency Services in Revere to discuss using social media to document and promote their work, collaborating with other companies, and the importance of separating  the quality of their work from the circumstances that caused them. Stats Action Emergency Services Revere, MA Facebook @ActionEmergency 205 Likes 206 Followers Twitter @ActionEmerg Action Emergency Services bills themselves as "the company you hope you'll never need, but will always be there when you do". With a tagline like that, you'd think that using social media to market their services could be tricky. Most people don't shop around for an emergency services company when they're scrolling through their social media feed, and it might be hard to find passionate fan advocates for work associated with tragic situations. However, as Job Supervisor Brian goes on to explain, social media is the perfect medium for Action E

5 Super Easy Ways to Make the Most (CONTENT) of the Holiday Season

Simply sticking with your usual game plan heading into this next month? Well then you're missing out on some primo content my friend! The holidays are full of cheer, parties, music, family, fun, and all that other good stuff. So what does that mean for your small business? It means you can use this time of merriment to your advantage when it comes to generating amazing content for your social channels. Follow the 5 tips below to make this most of this holiday season! 1. Put together an Instagram-able wish list In one snapshot, capture an item or a number of items you’d like to promote for the holiday season. To capture the seasonal vibe, consider laying things out in a festive way. See below for a perfect example. 2. Run a promotion for your top fans Do you have a few top fans on Instagram and Facebook? Those folks who always show you love and get involved in the comment section? These are known as brand ambassadors. A great way to show your

Willies Superbrew

We sat down with Michelle, Marketing Operations Coordinator for Willie’s Superbrew to discuss authenticity on social media, using tools to get a better idea of their target audience, and networking with photographers through Instagram. The Stats Willie’s Superbrew Charlestown, MA Instagram @DrinkSuperbrew 6,970 Followers Facebook @Willies Superbrew 3,791 Followers 3,481 Likes 19 Check-Ins When Willie’s Superbrew was founded a few years ago, they had three key beliefs in mind: 1. We deserve to know what we’re drinking 2. Drinks should only have real ingredients (not flavors) 3. Real ingredients taste better.   Since their start on Cape Cod a few years ago, they’ve grown from brewing a ginger beer that you can find at some local specialty shops, to a company with a wide range of eclectic and seasonal flavor offerings that can be found up and down the East Coast. As Michelle explains, throughout this journey they’ve used

Using Social Media to Promote Small Business Saturday

It's that time of the year again! The Thanksgiving feast leftovers are in the fridge, the football games are over, and Black Friday is officially done. This means one thing for small business owners nationwide: Small Business Saturday! It's imperative to build a buzz on social media leading up to Small Business Saturday to make the most of the holiday. Small Business Saturday is also a great opportunity to capture content from the busy day; this content can be used later on to carry that buzz through the holiday season! This e vent provides an opportunity for the customers as well to share their photos of their experience and get the conversation going about your brand. Whether you plan on joining on Small Business Saturday as a neighborhood champion or a shopper, keep the following tips in mind to ensure it’s just as successful online as it is off . #1. Provide as many #hashtags as possible Before Small Business Saturday kicks off, send out an email

Getting Started with Video Content

According to HubSpot, social media posts with video content have 48% more views. Clearly, video is the way to go when it comes to quickly engaging your followers in new content.   Many marketers say that they struggle with “what” to create videos about. Just like we recommended for other content, if you don’t know where to begin - start with what has worked for you so far, and then look to your competitors. Sort your blog content in order of most traffic and create videos around those topics. Use Facebook “Pages to Watch” to figure out what kind of videos your competitors are making and generate topic ideas based off of that. Also, think about using your customers as resources. Look outside of your specific industry to your favorite brands. In terms of video best-practices, there are some simple factors that people are more likely to interact with.   The first factor is video length. On Facebook, for exa mple, the highest engaging videos are between 60-90 secon

Jenny Okumura - Contemporary Artist

We sat down with Jenny Okamura, a Contemporary Artist here in Boston to discuss using social media to connect with other artists offline, letting your personality shine through in your posts without being too personal, and the connection between Instagram and Arthur Rambauld The Stats: Instagram @Jennyjean25 12.8k followers On the surface, Jenny Okumura paints beautifully moving fine art. But beyond that, she’s also a poet, she’s the President of the National Association of Women’s Artists MA Chapter, she manages Gallatea where she brings women artists together. And she has a story to tell.   When it comes to sharing that story on social media, it can be a fine line between giving followers a glimpse into a more personal side of herself and her art, while focusing on running it like a business. Jenny does an amazing job with this balance - so much so that she’s racked up almost 13k followers in the year and a half since she started using Instagram.